Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Modern Puritan

            Over the past few weeks, we have been learning that Puritans lived in  very strict societies where politics, law, and religions were one thing.  From The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter , we have learned that Puritans were quick to act harshly on "crimes" committed within their society due to their belief that a single act could throw them out of God's favor.  I think that this in part was due to the fact that Puritans thought the "impurities" of others around them and in their community could put them at risk of not going to Heaven if the "crime" was not acted upon quickly, and as severely as possible.  Puritans were also quick to judge people on their crimes, and this judgement usually stuck with them for the rest of their lives.
            This swiftness in judging other peoples can be seen in modern day throughout the world, even after these people have served time for their crimes.  If you get arrested once during your life, later on when you're looking for a job, it is highly unlikely that employers or colleges will even glance at your application after seeing that you've been arrested.  Employers and college administrators are not the only ones quick to judge you for committing a crime early in life.  Your family members and friends may never look at you the same, and it is extremely difficult for these individuals to gain back trust and love from family and friends.

           Puritans may not really exist today, but people still are quick to judge others based on past experiences just like the Puritan societies.



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