Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

          A stooge is "a person who serves merely to support or assist others particularly in doing unpleasant work."  A hero is "a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities."
         I feel that John Proctor in my eyes is more a of a hero than a stooge for the fact that he displays many "noble qualities."  One noble quality that Proctor displays courage in going to the court house and going against his wife's conviction of witchcraft.  Courage can also be seen when Proctor refuses Danforth's deal for his wife's safety until she gives birth to her child in order to try and help his friends get their innocent wives released from jail and being hung.  When Proctor refuses Danforth's deal, he also has the possibility of being hung for going "against" the court, showing that Proctor knows the risks, and is willing to do the right thing.  Another  noble quality is humility, and John Proctor shows this when he risks his face in the village by announcing to Danforth that he had an affair with Abigail.  This can be seen on page 1333 when Proctor says, "I have known her, sir.  I have known her."  In my eyes, Proctor is a hero.
          On the flip side, many in Salem probably feel that Proctor is actually a stooge.  My reasoning for this is that most probably feel that Abigail's lies are the truth.  Danforth for sure feels that Proctor is a stooge in that he goes against his authority, and "challenges" the court.  Mr. Parris also feels that Proctor is a stooge because he thinks Proctor is trying to undermine his authority in the village, and start a revolution against his leadership.

          Overall, I feel that Proctor is a hero, and that he tried to do the right thing, even if it meant his death.   

1 comment:

  1. Good reason of why he is a hero. A little more could have been added. Work on grammar and punctuation. Make sure the sentences make sense.
